Hand illustrated iconography to use throughout the brand.
Everyone who came to the meet-up got a free beer tasting journal, where you got to "toot" or "boot" beers—thank you Drag Race for the fabulous idea
Different photographs from the tour, including two of the Beer Queers, and an employee from Widmer we interviewed
Custom ordered pint glasses to give out to friends of the Beer Queers
An idea to help promote the brand was to create a couple mini podcast episodes that were live recordings of the Beer Queers tooting and booting their drinks.
Since I have a strong interest in interface design, I included a mock of what an app of the brand may look like. It was an exploration in using new software (Adobe Xd) and designing with Google's Material Design in mind. You can click the image above to try it out in a new tab, or use the live view below.